Dress in power with the WOLF BLACK T-SHIRT. A bold red wolf emerges from the deep black of the shirt, capturing the essence of courage that burns bright. This isn't just a t-shirt, it's a statement of strength and style.
Clothing & Accessories
There are 5 products.
The Vitastrong Gold Wolf Tank Top is a one of a kind piece with premium quality cotton and an eye-catching design. Being a "Limited Edition", this exclusive item will no longer be produced, making it a must-have for lovers of the brand and for those who want to stand out with a one-of-a-kind product.
Unisex collection. Comfortable cotton shorts signed by Vitastrong, with logo highlighted on the front, monochrome and elastic band. With their classic design and unique style, they are dedicated to all those who love sports and fitness.
The official VitaStrong T-Shirt. A must-have during workouts, but also ideal for any occasion. Available in white and gray colors.
The official VitaStrong T-Shirt. A must-have during training, but also ideal for any occasion. Available in black, white, and grey.